Front End Small Talk - 7 minute code and life stories. A monthly meetup in Portland, Oregon

Front End Small Talk takes place monthly, every 3rd Thursday.


Sign up for the Front End Small Talk newsletter to get notifications about our upcoming meetups, and front end web news and updates.

Attend a meetup

Monthly online meetup #20
Thursday, January 21st, 2021 @ 5:30PM

Talk at a meetup

Ready to share your passion with the FEST community?

Give a small talk


Small Talk #1

Coming soon...

Speaker: You!

Front End Small Code

Interview Question

We will answer a real world non-technical Front End interview question as a group.

Small Talk #2

Coming soon...

Speaker: You!

About us

FEST is by and for front-end developers, designers, and engineers with a passion for sharing what we know with others. Anyone can present a small talk.

Small Talks

Small Talks are 7 slides, 7 minutes. Each talk is followed by 15 minute Q&A sessions. A small talk is less formal. It's like a conversation starter.

Our mission

Encourage front end developers to give talks by lowering the bar a little. You can share a piece of JavaScript code you wrote, a new ReactJS pattern you're using at work, your favorite CSS trick, a piece of software you can't live without in your workflow, how you work with your design team, what your career goals are, how you interview new engineering candidates, your new side project, or anything else you want to share, as long as it somehow relates to your life as a front end web developer.

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